ShipMate, Inc.ShipMate™
PO Box 787
Sisters, OR 97759 USA
Tel: +1 (310) 370-3600

    Cours disponibles

    US Competent Authority Approval CA2011080007 (HMT-0807)

    DOT Special Permit DOT-SP 11818 (HMT-0805)

    Mazda Mobile Service Pilot Program - Air Bag Modules

    Surface Transportation of Automotive Hazardous Materials (HMT-0402)

    Multimodal Transportation of Automotive Hazardous Materials (HMT-0412)

    Transport of Automotive Dangerous Goods - Canada (HMT-0422)

    Transport des Marchandises Dangereuses D’automobile - Canada (HMT-0422F)

    Transport of Automotive Hazardous Materials for Managers (HMT-0431)

    Transport of Automotive Hazardous Materials for Service Technicians (HMT-0432)

    Transport of Automotive Hazardous Materials for Parts Technicians & Analysts (HMT-0433)

    Transport of Automotive Hazardous Materials for Drivers (HMT-0434)

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air (HMT-0320)

    Multimodal Transportation of Explosives (HMT-0540)

    Multimodal Transportation of Lithium Batteries (HMT-0401)
    Multimodal Transportation of Limited Quantities (HMT-0501)

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Canada) (HMT-0700)

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Mexico) (HMT-0800)

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Europe) (HMT-0900)

    Surface Transportation of Hazardous Materials (HMT-0100)

    Transport of Dangerous Goods Canada (HMT-0700)

    Transport des Marchandises Dangereuses au Canada (HMT-0700F)

    Transportation of Hazardous Materials for Motor Vehicle Operators

    Dangerous Goods Transportation by Vessel (HMT-0240)

    Transport of Dangerous Goods by Vessel for Marine Terminal Operators (HMT-0245)

    Denso Manufacturing Athens Tennessee (DMAT)
    DMAT Dangerous Goods Transportation Training (A - Core Elements)

    Denso Manufacturing Athens Tennessee (DMAT)
    DMAT Dangerous Goods Transportation (B - Transport by Air & Vessel)

    Denso Manufacturing Athens Tennessee (DMAT)
    DMAT Dangerous Goods Transportation (C - Special Permits & Approvals)

    Management of Waste Aerosols (DOT-SP 15726)

    Transportation of Kawasaki Dangerous Goods (HMT-0902)

    Transport of Nissan Automotive Hazardous Materials* & GHS/HCS2012† (NNA-0400)

    Nissan TechMate Preparation & Transport of Fluid Samples (NTM-0101)

    Nissan Techmate Preparation and Transport of Fluid Samples - Canada (NTM-0101C)

    Préparation & Transport D'échantillons de Fluides pour Toyota Canada (TC-0101CF)

    Toyota Canada Preparation & Transport of Fluid Samples (TC-0101C)

    WORLDPAC GHS Hazard Communication

    WORLDPAC Materials of Trade
    WORLDPAC Waste Management

    GHS - HazCom 2012 - Hazard Communication Standard (GHS-2012)

    Effective Safety Programs (A-SAF-001)
    Version 03.2021 - Content current as of 01 March 2021

    This course will provide you with several tools to help you develop and implement an effective health and safety program.  If you already have a health and safety program in place, perhaps this course will provide you with some additional ideas to consider, or encourage you to make your existing program even better.  

    Accident Investigations (A-SAF-002)
    Version 03.2021 - Content current as of 1 March 2021

    This course will describe methods and procedures for conducting an accident investigation, collecting facts, determining the sequence of events that resulted in the accident or near-miss, identifying actions to prevent recurrences, and providing follow-up to ensure that the corrective action was effective.

    Battery Management (A-SAF-004)
    Version 03.2021 - Content current as of 1 March 2021

    This course will focus on safe handling procedures for various types of automotive batteries including lead acid, sealed lead acid or absorbed glass mat, lithium ion and lithium metal batteries.

    Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control (A-SAF-005)
    Version: 03.2021 - Content current as of 1 March 2021

    This course will outline methods, procedures and equipment to protect yourself and your fellow employees from the risk of exposure to potentially infectious materials and bloodborne pathogens.  If you already have a health and safety program in place, perhaps this course will provide you with some additional ideas to consider or encourage you to make your existing program even better. 

    Compressed Air (A-SAF-008)
    Version 03.2021 - Content current as of 1 March 2021

    This course will focus on safe work practices and the correct use of compressed air.  However, it is important to convey the hazards and potential injuries that might occur if compressed air is used improperly or inappropriately.

    Confined Space Awareness (A-SAF-009)
    Version 03.21 - Content current as of 1 March 2021.

    This training program is intended to familiarize employers and employees with the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (or OSHA’s) basic requirements for Permit-required Confined Spaces, and how they apply to your workplace. 

    The Confined Space Awareness Web-Based Training Program is divided into separate modules which include an Introduction, and three training lessons.  Each module is divided into short sections based on the lesson topic.  The three, short, training modules include:

    • Permit-Required Confined Spaces;
    • Confined Space Hazards; and
    • Safety Precautions

    Emergency Egress & Life Safety (A-SAF-010)
    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Emergency egress and life safety are of the highest importance in a workplace, particularly where combustibles and flammables and other chemicals are used, stored or handled.

    Emergency egress and life safety are about promoting awareness within your facility and ensuring that your employees are able to quickly and safely exit the workplace in the event of an emergency, and maintaining emergency equipment so that your employees, fellow co-workers, contractors and visitors are properly protected.

    Electrical Safety (A-SAF-011)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    This training program is intended to familiarize employers and employees with the requirements of the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (or OSHA’s) requirements for electrical safety.

    This course is not intended to replace or to supplement OSHA’s standards for the control of hazardous energy.

    Required Employer Postings (A-SAF-013)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. When employees are working safely and your facility is well-maintained, everyone is more productive and adds value to your business.  

    OSHA's role is to ensure these conditions for America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance.

    OSHA requires that employers post certain notices informing employees of the protections and obligations provided for in the Occupational Safety & Health Act.  OSHA requires all employers to report accidents, display the required postings, and to comply with OSHA standards.

    OSHA also requires non-exempt employers of 11 or more persons to maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses and to post the accident and incident summaries. 

    Fire Safety (A-SAF-016)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    This course will describe methods and procedures for effectively preventing fires in the workplace and describe basic procedures to follow in the event of a fire in its incipient stage or if there is a major conflagration. 

    In addition, this course will outline some of the regulatory requirements that may apply to your facility, as well as describe the employer and employee responsibilities with respect to fire safety.

    Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (A-SAF-021)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Compressed gases are quite common in most workplaces. Although most people assume that compressed gases refer to high pressure cylinders such as those used in welding, compressed gases also include pressurized aerosol cans (e.g., lubricating oils, electronics dusters).

    Gases may be pressurized, dissolved in solution, liquefied or refrigerated (cryogenic).  In addition to the obvious chemical hazards, there are also potential exposures to the mechanical hazards associated with gases including pressure and temperature.

    Jump Starting Vehicles (A-SAF-026)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    When jump-starting a vehicle, it is possible be seriously injured or cause severe damage to a vehicle if it is not done properly.  Most vehicles have a lead acid starter battery that contains sulfuric acid and can release hydrogen gas during normal charging and discharging cycles.

    Therefore, it is important to know how to properly jump-start the vehicle to prevent injury or damage to persons or property.

    Ladder Safety (A-SAF-027)
    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    The objectives of this Web-Based Training Program on Portable Ladders are to:

    • Describe OSHA’s standards for portable ladders;

    • Outline the rules that apply to ladders of specific types; and

    • Explain the requirements and need for training.

    Lock-out/Tag-out (Hazardous Energy Control) (A-SAF-029)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    This training program is intended to familiarize employers and employees with the requirements of the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (or OSHA’s) requirements for applying lock-out/tag-out procedures to control hazardous energy during service and maintenance of equipment or machinery.

    This course is not intended to replace or to supplement OSHA’s standards for the control of hazardous energy.

    Machine Guarding (A-SAF-030)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Exposure to unguarded or improperly guarded machinery is all too common in many workplaces.  

    On average, more than 18,000 injuries and more than 800 deaths occur annually in the United States as a result of amputations, lacerations, crushing injuries or abrasions from these exposures.

    Noise Exposure Control Plans (A-SAF-031)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Approximately 15 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 (or 26 million Americans) have hearing loss that may have been caused by exposure to noise at work or in leisure activities.

    Noise Induced Hearing Loss (or NIHL) can be caused by a one-time exposure to an intense “impulse” sound, such as an explosion, or by continuous exposure to loud sounds over an extended period of time, such as noise generated in a woodworking shop.

    This course will focus on safe work practices and the correct use, maintenance, inspection and storage of personal protective equipment (or PPE). This course contains several short learning modules, including General Requirements, Training and the specific requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), other than Respiratory Protective Equipment which is addressed in a separate training program, A-SAF-033.

    Respiratory Protective Equipment (A-SAF-033)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Housekeeping (A-SAF-035)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Tire Safety (A-SAF-040)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Improperly mounted or overinflated tires can explode, producing flying debris, which can serious injury or even death.  In addition, serious injury or death can occur from electric shock, damaged tools or flying debris, pinch points or from other hazard energy (e.g., inertia).

    Hand & Powered Tool Safety (A-SAF-041)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Hand and powered tools are essential in most workplaces, even in some office environments.  Whether it is a hammer, a cordless drill, or a pneumatically powered concrete saw, tools make our jobs easier.  But, they can also be dangerous and cause serious injuries or even death if they are not properly used or maintained.

    Serious injuries resulting from improper use or maintenance of hand and powered tools are all too common in many workplaces.  One report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that, on average, more than 67,000 workers suffer from blade contact injuries alone, resulting in 33,000 emergency room visits, more than 4000 amputations, and more than $2.3 billion in associated medical costs.

    Violence in the Workplace (A-SAF-043)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    This training program is intended to familiarize employers and employees with the requirements of the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (or OSHA’s) General Duty Clause to ensure a safe and healthful workplace. 

    Control of Hazardous Energy (A-SAF-045)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    AGM Battery Safety (A-SAF-049)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Absorbed glass mat (or AGM) batteries, also known as sealed lead acid (or SLA) batteries, are batteries in which an electrolyte is absorbed onto a specially designed polyester or fiberglass mat. 

    This course is designed to help managers and workers at automotive dealerships and repair facilities to work safely when handling, storing, and charging Absorbed Glass Mat (or AGM) batteries. 

    The course includes reviews the pros and cons of using AGM batteries, briefly discusses other types of batteries, and summarizes the safety and health hazards presented by AGM batteries, and discusses how to address those hazards. 

    Back Safety (A-SAF-051)

    Version 01.2022 - Content current as of 01 January 2022

    Back injuries may result from a single traumatic event, or over a period of time as a result of repetitive injury and strain.  Acute back injuries often result from improper lifting techniques and/or lifting loads that are too heavy for the back to support.  

    However, the acute injury is often brought on by the slow and progressive onset of trauma caused by repetitive stresses where the symptoms have been ignored. In many cases, these traumatic injuries may have been preventable.

    Back injuries, particularly, acute disabling injuries, account for a significant loss in workplace productivity and costs associated with workers compensation claims.  The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates that back injuries may affect as many as 600,000 people, and cost as much as $50 billion per year, since 1991. 

    Management & Transportation of Hazardous & Universal Wastes (ENV-0725)

    This course is intended as an initial training program for those persons who are responsible for the management and transportation of hazardous wastes. 

    RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification (ENV-0402)

    California Hazardous Waste Classification (ENV-0505)

    Texas Industrial & Hazardous Waste Classification (ENV-0543)

    Washington Dangerous Waste Classification (ENV-0547)